In order to import your group members' Indexes from GHIN, you will need a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file with these three columns:
- Player name
- GHIN ID number
- Index
The player names can be one or two columns:
- Last name, first name in one column
- Last name, first name in two columns
- First name, last name in two columns
How to get the CSV file
You will need to find someone who has access to the "USGA Admin Portal" (GHIN is a USGA entity). Most golf associations use GHIN as their provider for World Handicap System Index calculation. You might find someone with access to the USGA Admin Portal...
- in your group, if you're lucky
- at your course
- at your golf association
Ask your contact who has access to the USGA Admin Portal to create and send you a "Club Template Report" in CSV format with these three fields:
- Player name
- GHIN ID number
- Index
Format required for importing to Tournament Manager
A specific format is required for your CSV import file.
- it can have column labels on the top row only. Column labels might be GHIN ID Number, Golfer Name and Handicap Index or something similar
- each individual golfer's GHIN ID Number, name and Handicap Index need to be on one row (horizontal)
- only rows with column labels (1 row at top) and golfer data should be present in the CSV import file
Here is a brief sample of how your CSV file should look:
What columns to import
We highly recommend that you import only these two columns:
- GHIN Number
- Index
Why not import names? If the names in the import file do not perfectly match each name in your Tournament Manager roster, then the names in your CSV import file that do not perfectly match any of the names in the Tournament Manager roster will be added to your Tournament Manager roster. Then you will have duplicate players in your Tournament Manager roster which you do not want. One such example would be "Richard Wells" in the CSV import file and "Dick Wells" in your Tournament Manager roster. They are the same person with different versions of the name. In this case you will wind up with a Richard Wells and a Dick Wells in your Tournament Manager roster.
How to import file
Follow these steps to import players:
- Move your cursor/pointer to hover over the Tournament Manager logo in the top left corner or tap once on the logo to bring up the Main Menu. Click on the Players link under the Organization section.
- Click on the Tools in the top right corner.
- Click on Import Players from file...
- Click on the button labeled Select file... This will bring up the contents of your computer's hard drive.
- Find the CSV file to import on your computer and double click, double tap, or highlight and click on the Open button at the lower right.
- Click to select the correct row to start import. (You do not want to import the column headers that may be part of your data set. Start import at row: 2 will remove the column headings.)
- Click on the Next button to advance to Tab 2. Type of File.
- Click to put the dot next to the correct Field separator : Comma (for CSV file), Tab, Space or Semicolon. When you select the correct Field separator, the data will cleanly align in columns. Make sure you have eliminated the column headers/labels in row 1.
- Click on the Next button to advance to Tab 3. Item to Import.
- You only want to import the GHIN ID Number and Index columns. Drop the column header menu by clicking on the small black triangle pointing downward above each column. The GHIN ID Number column is called "World Handicap System ID# or GHIN#" in the drop down list. The Index column is called "Index - Handicap Index" (see below).
- Click on the Next button to advance to Tab 4. Verify Import.
- You will see a message indicating whether your import setup is correct or not. If it is correct, click on the "Import" button.
- You will receive a message about the import status. Your player Indexes will be imported/updated.